Mrs Patterson's Tree Planting
On Friday afternoon, we had a very special visitor in school. We welcomed back our very own Mrs Patterson. Moat Primary Peace Proms Choir burst into song and the special celebratory assembly gathering of pupils and staff commenced. Mrs McConkey gave a very warm welcome to our very special retired Teacher, Vice Principal, and Principal, Mrs Patterson who joined us with lots of stories and antidotes from her many years spent in this very special school. After answering lots of the childrens' questions and listening to another wonderful song from the Peace Proms choir it was outside for everyone to enjoy the planting of two beautiful Cherry Trees. Mrs Patterson chose a very special spot in the playgrouund near the exit gate to plant her trees. We look forward to them growing strong. We can all enjoy their beauty.
Such a fitting tribute to a very much loved member of staff 🤗 We hope you call in to see us very soon!
Moat Primary School, 241 Main St, Castle Balfour Demesne, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen BT92 0JH
Phone: 028 6772 1212