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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

News - Extra Curricular Activities

24th Jun 2024
This pupil has enjoyed more success. This week it’s piano success. Well done
17th Jun 2024
This P4 pupil had super success at Bridge Gymnastics. Just look at all those medals....
13th Jun 2024
Today we had lots of fun in Scripture Union with Rev Donaldson.  We read from...
4th Jun 2024
Today we were delighted to welcome the Lisnaskea Rovers Coaches. They presented all...
24th May 2024
Moat Primary had a wonderful last football session. Thank you to Davy and Corrie...
20th May 2024
Rev Donaldson treated us to lots of fun games. We read from scripture, we watched...
20th May 2024
We enjoyed our Cross Country Club in the good weather on our front field, Mrs Black...
13th May 2024
Today we made a burger and bag of fries. It made us all very hungry….yum yum.
10th May 2024
Wow what a wonderful turn out for our SU after schools group. Rev Donaldson was delighted...
3rd May 2024
The Eco Club got off to a great start today . The sun shone and the children enjoyed...