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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

A message from Mrs Humphreys

25th Jun 2021


A tribute to the pupils:

Thank you for a truly wonderful day from start to finish. It was a special day which I will treasure in my new memories of the Moat.

It was lovely to be greeted by P1 at the front door with their ‘Mrs Humphreys masks’. I loved your circle time as you introduced yourselves to me. Thank you very much for the lovely book and flowers which you presented to me.

P2/3/ I enjoyed your singing and the fun with ‘In and out of the Dusty Bluebells’. I enjoyed meeting you again. It was very special to read a story to you in your classroom today. I hope you enjoyed it!

P3/4 - I loved your bright summer song and all your amazing props and roses. Thank you for giving them to me. They will brighten up my garden! It was lovely to see you all and to know that summer is here. Enjoy your holidays.

P5- what a treat to see you all again. You were my final class to teach and will remain special to me. I loved to hear of how you enjoyed learning in my class and the fun learning we had together. We really had a good time and you have great memories!

P6- Thank you for your poetry written especially for me- how special and you flattered me with your comments. I will treasure your poetry anthology. Wonderful vocabulary snd style! I loved seeing your faces again!

P7- thank you for your great songs- moving and beautiful. You were another great class- full of talent and a joy to teach. Best wishes as you love on to your new secondary schools.

Thank you Moat pupils for the beautiful plate with you all painted on it. It is so special to see you all with the right colour of hair (including length and style), glasses (if worn), smiles and names. What a treasure to keep! It is so special.
Thank you pupils once again.