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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

P2 visit W5

13th May 2022

P2 had a wonderful trip to W5.  The bus journey was great. We got to eat our snack on the bus so that we would be ready to go straight to ‘Over the hills and far away’ on our arrival to W5. We enjoyed our time in this area. Then P2 had some time on ‘Climbit’.  They couldn’t believe how high they were able to climb. Then it was time for ‘Lost Planet' and a chance to explore Space. We had a delicious lunch. After lunch we participated in a mini beast workshop. We thought about insects and how they are special.  We found out lots of interesting facts about insects. P2 were introduced to Franklin, a giant African land snail. He loves to eat leaves, fruit and vegetables.

What a fun day. We will sleep tonight. 😴💤