Access Keys:

Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

P2 W5 trip

2nd Jun 2023

P2 has had the ‘Best day ever’. This  morning we boarded our fun bus enroute to Belfast.  We sang, chatted and looked out for signs of the big city.

On arrival at W5 we were very excited to see what lay ahead for us. We spotted dinosaurs on our way up to ‘Over the Hills’. We spent some time building and designing train 🚂 tracks, playing touch screen games, moving balls with a crane, shopping in a supermarket and all jumping onboard a sailing ship 🚢 

For our next session we met Emma, from the learning team at W5. She walked us all over a glass bridge to our seminar room. In the room we went on a mini beast hunt. We were all given a magnifying glass to see how many mini beasts we could find. Emma gathered us together to meet two giant african snails 🐌 🐌 and wow, they were huge!  We then split into groups to make our own mini beasts which was good fun. We told  Emma all about our own mini beast caterpillars 🐛 and what we expect to happen to them very soon.

We enjoyed our lunch all together and then we hit the soft play area. We climbed , crawled and had a slide. We had lots of fun. Then it was on to Climbit...we all enjoyed climbing to the top and waving 👋 down at Miss Graham and Mrs Ebbitt. We climbed all the different routes and helped our friends find their way.

We have all had the best  day,  lots of memories were made today! Thanks Mrs McConkey for organising such a wonderful adventure 🤗 and thanks  to Brian our bus driver. He was amazing!