Access Keys:

Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen

P4 Florencecourt trip.

8th Jun 2023

P3/P4 travelled to Florencecourt on Wednesday to take part in a nature safari. When we arrived we had our snack in the outside courtyard. Afterwards our guide Jane brought us to the front of the house. We discussed plant parts and their jobs. We then created our own plant using roots, stems, leaves and flowers found around us. We then learnt about animals that are pollinators and discovered why pollination is important. We used our senses to investigate the noises and smells around us. We then went on a minibeast hunt and used a chart to identify the creatures we had found. We enjoyed a lovely picnic lunch followed by some fun on the front lawn and then a visit to the park. We were lucky to see some vintage MG cars that were on a tour of Fermanagh.