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Moat Primary School, Lisnaskea, Enniskillen


24th May 2024
Moat Primary had a wonderful last football session. Thank you to Davy and Corrie...
24th May 2024
The boys and girls are really enjoying coding with our micro:bits. Some of them were...
24th May 2024
The P5/6 children enjoyed some songs, stories and a quiz on the  Faith Gospel...
24th May 2024
P4 homework activity was to make posters with a message, that had a meaning from...
24th May 2024
We had the faith mission truck in school today. Everyone enjoyed it. 
23rd May 2024
Today we celebrated our classmates Birthday, we sang, we danced and we wished him...
23rd May 2024
P2/3 have been talking all about mini beasts this week after their enjoyable field...
23rd May 2024
This morning we were delighted to host a fund raising breakfast in aid of the Northern...
23rd May 2024
Michael from Action Mental Health delivered session 3 of the Healthy Me programme...
23rd May 2024
 On Wednesday P7 travelled to Kingspan and enjoyed playing rugby with other...